Saturday, September 27, 2008

if pigs could

... ah, but they can, guinea pigs at least. I have seen the evidence. 
      I mentioned elsewhere that I used to provide day care from my home. One of our day care kids was an adorable but bona fide holy terror named Samantha, who was about a year older than my youngest, Becca. When they were about four and five they were playing upstairs in Becca's room and I suddenly had that weird "things are just too quiet" sense that moms seem to develop and so I went to investigate. I found a guinea pig tank filled with water and two terrified pigs treading water with their little noses pointing up at the ceiling.
      I got mad. Torturing dumb animals was not on my list of favorite things to let kids get away with. After going into the bathroom to laugh like a hyena for a very short moment, I yelled, rescued the pigs, and gave the girls a LONG time out.  
     Years later my daughter Becca commented on the fact that I should not have gotten so mad at her because it was all Samantha's idea. I asked her why she hadn't come to get me to tell me that Samantha was water- boarding the guinea pigs and she replied :
  "Because I was looking  at my bookshelf to find a book with a magic spell in it that would make Samantha stop- but then I remembered that I couldn't read."
 I love kids. 


cheatymoon said...

excellent story - and good visual on the guinea pig swim.

Anthony Bourdain ate guinea pigs in South America a few episodes ago.

Anonymous said...

I remember you telling me that story when it happened! Very funny!

Our TV lists (i'm going to put one up) are going to be almost exactly the same.....weird.

Cristin said...

Guinea pigs are wicked cute... I can't believe Bourdain ate one...
Shit, I'd let him eat Olive if it meant I could hang out with him...

crone51 said...

ok, who is Anthony Bourdain?

I know, I is my friend.

Cristin said...

Go. Now. You've been missing out. He's fun.

cheatymoon said...

Just so you know, Crissy once said that she thought Anthony could convince her to put just about anything in her mouth... he's totally hot.