Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Other Dog

In the spirit of canine fairness I suppose I should mention the Other Dog even though it's not his adoption day ( December 15th) or birthday ( October 13th) . He's a lovely...um...dog. We have no idea what the mix is - but it's a good one. He's a mellow guy, extremely well behaved ,especially considering the fact that he is only 11 months old.  His name is Malcolm Fubbles. Malcolm for one of my all time favorite Science Fiction show characters ( Captain Malcolm Reynolds) and Fubbles because the eldest's lovely boyfriend took one look at him and said " I think you should name him Mr. Fubbles". 


Anonymous said...

What a seet face he's got!

Anonymous said...

sweet, not seet. I did not mean his face looks like a chair, or a mispelled chair for that matter.

cheatymoon said...

I would love to trade you a 13 year old male for a dog. Please?

Cindy said...

Visiting from cristin's blog. Glad to meet a fellow book devour-er. I'v read three this week so far :)