Friday, June 19, 2009

And this is incredibly cool as well....

My dear friend Beastie brought this to my attention...

Seems some pre Stonehenge ruins have been discovered. I got to go to Stonehenge in 1973 before they put the fence around it. I was able to touch the stones. It was spectacular. This latest ruin was discovered underground merely 25 miles from Stonehenge. The earth reveals her secrets constantly. Can't wait to find out what this will have to tell us about my ancient ancestors.


Anonymous said...

Where did you go? I kept getting an invite only post for awhile?

crone51 said...

I just shut it down for a bit. I am not sure if I want to do this or not but I thought I would give it one more try.

Anonymous said...

What's the obstacle? Are you getting weirdos? Like moi?lol