Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Here's the thing...

I was gonna turn this into one of those invitation only bloggies so that I could occasionally write things of a more personal nature but- I decided to start another one ( to which I will invite loyal readers) for that purpose and to keep this one as it is. It's already here. It's easier that way.

So that is why it was locked up for a bit.

And now it is not.


Cristin said...

I would like an invite to the new place...

cheatymoon said...

Me too. Unless you feel the need to write scathing diatribes concerning your nieces... then, uh, well I'd understand.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'll let you decide about an invite! But what will we be left with here?

crone51 said...

Most everything will be here.

And of course, Starrlife....consider yourself invited if I ever get around to setting the thing up.

I will not be writing scathing diatribes about my nieces silly!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait! Thanks.